1:1 Session

with Healer Alexandra Shvarova 
Energy Healing Experience

THis is a High Energy, High Impact space for a brave woman who wants to rise from the ashes of her old self.

FInding balance between opposing forces. 
Or a state of intellectual or emotional balance.

Break the chains of the Illusion

                    that power resides outside of you!

Visit here the 7 weeks Journey:

That is a powerful invocation to Sekhmet,
the lioness goddess of ancient Egypt.
Sekhmet is often associated with strength, transformation, and the power to overcome obstacles.
By calling upon her, you are seeking her guidance and assistance in your personal journey of growth and transformation.
May her fiery energy empower you to let go of the past and embrace the new beginnings that lie ahead.

"Lioness Goddess Sekhmet, I call upon your mighty presence, Grant me the strength to mourn my old self down to ashes, to let go of the past,

Like a phoenix rising from it's own ashes, may I be reborn anew, With a spirit that is brighter, stronger, and everlastingly true.

In your fiery embrace, I surrender to the unknown,

Break the chains that bind me, release me from what's outgrown,

Transform me within your sacred fire, O goddess of power and might, Ignite the flame within my soul, and guide me towards the light.

With your fierce energy, I embrace the challenges that lie ahead,

Grant me the courage to face them, with no fear or dread, May your wisdom guide my path, as I navigate life's twists and turns, And may I emerge victorious, with lessons learned and bridges burned.

Lioness Goddess Sekhmet, I offer my gratitude and praise, For your strength, your love, and your fiery blaze, As I invoke your presence, may your power fill my being, And may I walk this journey with the strength of a lion, forever seeing. "

And so it is, thank you! 

For women like you!


Lioness rise!

Break free!


In LIONESS RISING Alexandra Shvarova will guide you to create your own rules, which are aligned to you and your purpose.

This is a soul healing journey for spiritual women who want to be "reborn"

The Lioness does not need permission, she knows what she wants

Are you ready to be Reborn?

I invite you to surrender to be bliss and love of Sekhmet the Lioness Goddess. 

LIONESS RISING is a sacred signature offer for spiritual women who want to HAVE IT ALL and are ready to break their chains. 

The chains of their own doubt!

The chains of the environment 

who tells you what to do or what to be!

For a limited time only, I am offering a special discount of 20% off on single sessions. This is a unique opportunity to dive deep into your inner world and receive personalized guidance . To take advantage of this offer, simply use the code "THANKYOU" when booking your session. This discount is available for a limited time, as I typically focus on long-term connections. 

However, I understand that some of you may prefer a single session to address specific areas of your life or to experience the power of my reflective energy. Please note that spaces are limited, so I encourage you to secure your spot. 

Remember, true transformation takes time, and I usually recommend long-term commitment to make potent shifts that manifest into reality. This limited-time offer allows you to experience the power of a single session. 

Possible topics we will explore:

Healing the feminine wound

Healing Trauma or abuse of the feminine

Establishing peace and Harmony towards the masculine and feminine

Healing from Oppression 

Healing the receiving wound

Energy Healing with the womb and our female organs

Diving with Akasha Soul into your past-lives and heal this experiences

Clearing Fears and limitations

Ancestral Healing

Ancestral Healing work related to wealth, abundance and money

Redefining what it means to be a woman

Healing the lineage, ancestors from trauma of war, hunger, violence and sexual abuse or other topics

And much more which applies specifically for your needs

We will dive into your multidimensional self with this tools:

Alexandra Shvarova is a high level healer and psychic medium.

She is working with the Akasha Chronicles diving deep into your past lives and cosmic lineage.

As a Healer she is working on a Soul level to transform the pain of old suffering (lifetimes and ancestors).

Ancestral Healing is very important and mostly underrated. We inherit their painful memories as well as their gifts.  It is incredibly important to establish the harmony in the ancestral line for the benefit of all.

We work also with your Gene-Keys and Goddess Archetypes

The gift of a healer is to establish the divine order within and so work with the source.

Lioness Rising

is dedicated to 

sacred soul wealth ascension, spiritual development 

and Majesty

Meet Alexandra Shvrova, an Energy Healer, Cosmic Shaman

and Femme Wealth Mystic.

As a Reflector 5/2, she holds a unique and powerful energy that allows her to create a magical space for individuals to explore new depths of their being.  

Alexandra's role as an Energy Healer involves working with the subtle energies of the cosmos to promote healing, balance, and alignment. Through various techniques she helps individuals release blockages and restore harmony to their energetic system.

As a Cosmic Shaman, Alexandra taps into the wisdom and energies of the cosmos to guide and support individuals on their spiritual journey.

She dive into the Akasha Chronicles to gain insights and provide guidance based on the past lives experiences at play.

Being a Femme Wealth Mystic, Alexandra recognizes the importance of embracing and harnessing feminine energy in the realm of abundance and wealth. She helps individuals tap into their innate feminine power to manifest abundance and create a life of prosperity and fulfillment.

Alexandra has a unique perspective and ability to reflect the energies and experiences of those around her. She holds a space of deep understanding and empathy, allowing individuals to explore their innermost depths and uncover hidden truths. You can expect to be supported, guided, and held in a sacred space as you embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Her expertise and intuitive abilities will assist you in exploring new dimensions of your being and unlocking your true potential.

LIONESS RISING 1:1 Mentoring is a sacred signature offer for spiritual women who want to HAVE IT ALL

and are ready to break their chains. 

I want to extend an invitation to all the incredible women who are seeking to liberate themselves and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. If you are ready to dive deep into your being and receive guidance from the unique energy of my Human Design Reflector Aura, I have something special for you. As a Reflector 5/2, I hold a sacred space for individuals to explore new depths of their being, and I am thrilled to offer you the opportunity to experience the power of a one-on-one session or a transformative 7-week journey. In a single session, we will embark on a profound exploration of your inner world. Through the lens of my reflective energy I embody, we will uncover hidden truths, release blockages, and ignite your inner power. Together, we will navigate the intricacies of your unique energy blueprint, allowing you to embrace your true essence and step into a life of authenticity and fulfillment. For those seeking a more immersive and transformative experience, I invite you to join me on a 7-week journey. 

During this transformative period, we will dive even deeper into your magic and explore the various aspects of your being. We will focus on what your soul wants to heal and whatever topic you bring to our sessions, such as self-love, abundance, relationships, or purpose, and unravel the layers that hold you back from fully embodying your true potential. Through personalized guidance, energy healing, and cosmic insights, you will experience a profound shift in your perspective and begin to live a life that aligns with your deepest desires. Whether you choose a single session or the 7-week journey, you can expect to be held in a safe and nurturing space. I will guide you with compassion, intuition, and the wisdom of the cosmos, allowing you to tap into your innate power and liberate yourself from the limitations that have held you back. If you are ready to embark on this transformative journey and embrace your inner power, I invite you to reach out to me to book your session or inquire about the 7-week journey.

Spaces are limited, so I encourage you to take this opportunity to invest in yourself and create the life you truly deserve. Remember, dear Sister, you have the power within you to liberate yourself and create a life of authenticity, joy, and abundance.

I am here to support you every step of the way.

Break the chains of the Illusion
                    that power resides outside of you!

What clients say:

Wow, just realised how much I need this container. I have not been in full rage mode for it feels forever. Because my es boyfriend could not cope with my rage, I dimmed my light, I dimmed my rage, just so he feels good and I didn't even realise it ...

But the lioness is still in there and she grows stronger day by day. She wants out. Maybe I will just shout at my walls, if it feels right. So happy to joined this!

Alexandra H.
Rising Lioness

So many powerful messages... and I know and appreciate myself as this ever changing and evolving being... investing & going through this portal. For myself & the women I am here to guide.

Rising Lioness
Thanks for the Lioness session on Wednesday... I accept my male business and his desire to want to live the female side! That's so powerful. Today it wasn't my ego that spoke to me, but my business.

For me your impulse and the image of the mountain and that I am on top was very important. It grounds me to see this picture and I can open my heart much better.

Alexandra B.
Rising Lioness
I'm happy. So much has happened to me since I've been in Lioness Rising. Feeling really aligned with my mission and have been channeling new programs.

Rising Lioness
Do you actually know that I love you from the bottom of my heart? This week you gave me a very deep, satisfying, golden, unconditional feeling of love for me, for my being and for my actions with your statements in the last Golden Healer and yesterday's Lioness session. I love this feeling It feels like arriving. Love you!  

Alexandra B.
Rising Lioness
I am so happy, it really is as if the veil that has always covered my big vision is gone.

It's really awesome, I also did Healers Bootcamp on the side. But not completely finished yet. Sometimes it was just a few sentences from you that brought so much clarity to me. What a revelation!
Rising Lioness
I've never had anyone with whom individual sentences have had such an activating effect on me. I'm at the right place with you. I feel it.
Rising Lioness
In Lioness Rising we spoke about SACRED CLARITY and it is such an Activation and Puzzle that I was missing. Again I had a realisation how important it is as a coach and healer to receive support from other powerful Leaders. So we are grounded in our own spaces and can share our strength.
Rising Lioness
I'm absolutely thrilled. In each session I felt one realization after another. Things I've always taken for granted are suddenly cast in a new light.
Alexandra H.
Rising Lioness
I feel much lighter and have more clarity for myself... I was also able to detach a lot more from the outcome. Just try to be in service with no expectations. This means there is a lot less pressure.

I feel so activated by this....mhhhm
Rising Lioness
  • Customer
  • Payment
  • Total payment
  • 1xLIONESS RISING® 1:1 Single Session€444

All prices in EUR

Current Special Offer:

Use the Code "THANKYOU" to receive 20% off!

Only for a very short time!

Contact information

Billing address

General Terms and Conditions
for Coaching, Trainings, Seminars, Online Courses, Webinars and Programs

of the company

NEW EARTH MEDICINE LLC, represented by Alexandra Shvarova, 7901 4 TH ST N, STE 300, ST. Petersburg, Florida, US 33702, lexy@newearthmedicine.net, www.newearthmedicine.net, (hereinafter also referred to as "Provider").


* One monthly Mastermind Call or Energy Healing on Zoom with the Founder Alexandra Shvarova or a Guest Speaker/Healer

* Access to a growing sisterhood space in our Support Community

* Access to some past rounds of LIONESS RISING

* Access the growing Self-Study BUSINESS ACADEMY

* Access to all Business related Masterclasses

* Every Trimester a new Business Related Masterclass is shared

* Monthly Cancelation

Alexandra Shvarova and New Earth Medicine LLC is informing you:
Alexandra Shvarova and New Earth Medicine LLC cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, program, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies. You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of New Earth Medicine LLC brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of New Earth Medicine LLC programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses, or coaching, and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.

Exclusion of medical treatments or therapies. All contents, statements and other services of the provider are not medical treatments or therapies. The content, statements and consulting methods offered cannot replace medical treatment with the diagnosis or therapy of a doctor, psychiatrist, psychotherapist or alternative practitioner. All contents, statements and other services of the provider are based purely on a spiritual, energetic background. The methods and procedures presented and used in the coachings, seminars and trainings on various topics therefore do not represent a promise of healing.

* New Earth Medicine LLC has the rights to end the program or pause it any time with a 3 months notice to the Clients and Community, without any refunds

§ 1 Scope

1. The following General Terms and Conditions apply to all legal relationships between the provider and the participant for participation in coaching, training, seminars, online courses, webinars and programs, regardless of whether they are individual or group seminars.
The contractual partners of the provider are usually called "participants".
Changes to these terms and conditions will be notified to the participant in writing.2.The contractual partners of the provider are usually called "participants".

3.Changes to these terms and conditions will be notified to the participant in writing.

4. Conflicting or deviating from the terms and conditions of the provider’s general terms and conditions of the participant are not accepted. Anything else shall only apply if we have previously agreed to the conflicting general terms and conditions in writing. If contracts are concluded without reservation in the knowledge of conflicting or deviating terms and conditions, the general terms and conditions of the provider shall nevertheless apply exclusively.

5. Coachings within the meaning of this contract are individual coaching sessions between the provider and a fixed number of participants, in which decisions and problem solutions of the participants are accompanied. Courses within the meaning of this contract are ready-made teaching sequences for several participants, which can be offered online or offline. Webinars are online one-to-one lessons on a specific topic, they can be part of a course, but they can also stand on their own.

§ 2 Exclusion of medical treatments or therapies

All contents, statements and other services of the provider are not medical treatments or therapies.
The content, statements and consulting methods offered cannot replace medical treatment with the diagnosis or therapy of a doctor, psychiatrist, psychotherapist or alternative practitioner. All contents, statements and other services of the provider are based purely on a spiritual, energetic background.
The methods and procedures presented and used in the coachings, seminars and trainings on various topics therefore do not represent a promise of healing.

§ 3 Conclusion of the contract

1. The contract is concluded by personal conclusion, by means of distance communication or on the website of the provider.

2. As far as offered on the website, the participant can initially place the services in the shopping cart without obligation and process his details on the conclusion of the purchase. The participant can correct the services in the shopping cart and his entries at any time by using the navigation buttons provided. When concluding a contract on the website, the participant submits a binding contract offer by pressing the order button on the website. The contract is then concluded by the confirmation e-mail of the provider, in which the participant also finds these GTC and the cancellation policy attached in text form. If the participant does not receive this e-mail, the acceptance of the contract by the provider lies at the latest in the debiting of the payment to the participant (e.B. in the case of instant transfer, credit card or PayPal) or the possibility of participation in the service (depending on which earlier).

3. The contract language is German or English.

4. A written contract is stored by the provider, but a contract can also be concluded verbally or in text form (e.B. by e-mail). Contracts on the website are not stored by the provider.

§ 4 Withdrawal from the contract

The provider is entitled to withdraw from the contract for the service, no reason is required for the refusal of the participant's participation.
In particular, the provider is entitled to postpone agreed dates within a reasonable time in the event of force majeure. This also includes performance obstacles of the respective coach that have arisen due to illness, accident or the like. The provider makes every effort to propose an alternative date as soon as possible.
In the case of group seminars, the applicant is entitled to withdraw from the contract for good cause and notwithstanding other reasons, in particular if the minimum number of participants is not reached, the event must be cancelled for reasons for which the provider is not responsible or cooperation is no longer reasonable due to the behavior of a participant.
The participant is not entitled to withdraw from the contract. A refund of payments already made cannot be demanded by the participant.

§ 5 General Conditions of Participation

If a participant disturbs a coaching, training or seminar sustainably and regardless of a warning or if he behaves to a considerable extent contrary to good morals and a smooth running of a coaching, a training or a seminar can therefore no longer be guaranteed, the provider reserves the right to exclude the participant from the event.
Even after exclusion in accordance with Section 1 above, the Provider shall invoice the agreed participation fee. The participant is free to prove a lower effort.

§ 6 Duration of contract and remuneration, payment and default

1. The contract begins and ends at the specificand individually agreed time.

2. The amount of the participation fee for the services of the provider results from the individually concluded contract.

3. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, all prices include VAT.

4. The payment of the participant on an invoice is due immediately. The participant is informed that he will be in default no later than 14 days after receipt of the invoice if the invoice amount has not been paid in full by then.

5. The following payment methods are available to the participant for the services offered online:
(a) Stripe and credit card, here the charge is made after acceptance of the contract offer by the provider.
(b) Bank transfer to the account in the US or EU
(c) Advance payment, here the provider gives the participant his bank details.

6. If fees arise for a return debit note by the participant, the participant must bear them insofar as he was responsible for the return debit note, i.e. it was not entitled. Insofar as one or more reminders become necessary due to a delay in payment by the participant, the provider, if the participant is not a consumer, is entitled to payment of a lump sum of € 40 per reminder within the meaning of §§ 288 (5) BGB. This also applies if the payment claim is an advance payment or other installment payment. If the participant is a consumer, the provider may demand appropriate compensation for reminders in the event of default.

7. The Provider is entitled to check the payment of the remuneration by the Participant before performing a service and, if necessary, to have proof of successful payment submitted to the Provider. If the participant does not provide this proof, the provider can demand the remuneration from the participant in cash immediately before the service is provided (any double payment will of course be refunded) or refuse the participant participation in the service in the event of non-payment.

§ 7 Services of the Provider

1. The services of the provider result in detail from the respective offer.

2. The coaching includes suggestions and motivations for insights, behavior or experience of the participant. To this end, the coach sets impulses and, together with the participant, reflects on the processes initiated by this in the participant. Coaching is not a concrete consultation or even the guidance of the client in certain decisions. The coaching is therefore dependent on an active and open participation and reflection on the part of the participant.

3. The illustration and description of the service and the place of performance on the website of the provider are for illustration purposes only and are only approximate information. A guarantee for the complete compliance with the information provided in the context of the execution of the contractual relationship is not assumed.

4. The provider is entitled to make adjustments to the content or the course of the service for technical reasons, for example if there is a need for an update or further development of the content, provided that this does not result in a significant change in the purpose of the contract and the change is reasonable for the participant.

5. For courses, webinars or seminars, the provider is entitled to replace the announced speaker/coach with an equally qualified speaker/coach, if this should be necessary for health or other reasons due to the inability of the speaker/coach.

6. The provider is entitled to change the place and time of the announced service, provided that the change is communicated to the participant in good time and is reasonable for him.

§ 8 Course of Online events or coaching

1. The provider must hand over the online access and recordings in good time.

2. The instructions of it or its employees must be followed by the participant.

§ 9 Obligations of the participant

1. The participant may only use the services personally and may not make them accessible to third parties, unless expressly stated otherwise.

2. The participant may not reproduce the contents of the service and/or store it outside the service of the provider.

3. In the case of online content, the participant receives the access data for the service from the provider or selects it himself. The purpose of the access data is to exclude the use of the service by unauthorized persons. If the participant selects such data himself or changes his access data, he must pay attention to sufficient password security. Short and easy-to-guess passwords must not be used. These access data must be protected by the participant from unauthorized access by third parties and changed at regular intervals for security. Digitally, the participant may only store user names and passwords securely encrypted.

4. If the access data is entered incorrectly several times, access can be blocked to protect the participant. If the participant is responsible for this blocking, he is liable for the costs and expenses of the provider incurred by the activation in accordance with the local and reasonable costs.

5. The participant is obliged to inform the provider immediately if the participant becomes aware that third parties have access to his access data or have otherwise gained access to his service. If the participant does not notify the provider immediately, he is obliged to compensate the provider for the resulting damage.

6. The coaching takes place on the basis of the preparatory discussions. It is based on cooperation and mutual trust. The participant is not obliged to accept the coaching or implementation of the recommendations made. The participant is fully responsible for his physical and mental health during the coaching. The participant acknowledges that all steps and measures taken by him in the context of the coaching are within his own area of responsibility.

7. For each coaching, training or seminar, the participant must inform the provider about health problems and any illnesses so that this can be taken into account in the best possible way.

8. In the event of recognizable health problems, the provider is entitled to exclude the participant concerned from coaching, training or seminar. In this regard, the provider reserves the right to charge the participation fee on a pro rata basis. The participant is free to prove a lower effort.

9. Coachings, trainings and seminars, especially those outside, are never without a certain residual risk. Each participant is only insured against an accident and/or a salvage or similar within the framework of his own accident insurance.

§ 10 Availability of content

1. The use of the service takes place in the case of online content on the Internet and can only be fully used with a sufficiently fast Internet connection of the participant. Ensuring this is the responsibility of the participant.

2. The provider strives for the greatest possible availability of the online content. However, constant availability cannot be guaranteed and also depends on the function of the Internet infrastructure, over which the provider has no influence.

3. The provider is entitled to temporarily restrict or completely block the use of the online content, in particular for maintenance, care and improvement as well as for other reasons necessary for the operation of the provider. The provider will take into account the average needs of the participants as far as possible (e.B. when determining maintenance times). In the event of urgent faults, the provider is also entitled to rectify errors during normal business hours.

4. The Provider shall not be liable for force majeure or operational disruptions occurring at the Provider or the Provider's subcontractors, e.B. due to riots, strikes, pandemics, epidemics, lockouts, which temporarily prevent the Provider from providing the services through no fault of its own. Furthermore, the provider is not liable for data loss or unavailability that could have been easily prevented by suitable precautions of the participant in accordance with the rules of technology and self-provision.

5. If the Provider is unable to provide services due to force majeure, the Provider's obligation to provide services shall be suspended as long as the impediment to performance continues.

§ 11 Prevention of the participant

1. If the participant withdraws from the services or refuses to participate for any other reason, the participant must pay the agreed remuneration.

2. The participant is entitled to appoint a substitute participant instead of him. In this case, a processing fee will be charged by the provider, which must be paid by the participant before the event is held. The provider is not obliged to admit a substitute participant.

§ 12 Copyright and industrial property rights

1. All service documents of the provider are protected by copyright. This applies to content of the provider on its website, lectures, presentations, scripts and other performance documents. The participant is not entitled to reproduce, distribute or publicly reproduce such documents. They may only be used for personal use. The duplication, transfer or other use of the interpreted documents is only permitted with the express written consent of the provider.

2. The participant is obliged to keep all protected course content secret and not to disclose it to third parties. The participant is prohibited from using the protected course content for purposes other than his own information. In particular, the recipient of the information is prohibited from using the information for competitive purposes or for his own other purposes.

3. The participant is not entitled to make image, film or sound recordings of the service and/or the coaches without the express permission of the provider.

4. The participant agrees that the provider produces image, film and/or sound recordings of the courses, webinars or seminars under reproduction of the participant and uses them for advertising purposes. The participant is entitled to revoke or restrict this consent at any time.

§ 13 Liability of the Provider

1. Coaching is the individual development of methods, behaviors and attitudes and therefore always depends to a considerable extent on the cooperation of the participant. The provider cannot guarantee a specific success of the coaching. This applies in particular to any kind of economic and/or financial success that the participant expects for the future through coaching.

2. The provider provides coaching, training and seminars to the best of its knowledge and belief. Warranty claims of the participant are excluded.

3. The statements and recommendations of the provider only prepare the entrepreneurial or personal decision of the participant. You can not replace them in any case.

4. In the case of coaching held online, the provider is only liable for the proper feeding of the data into the Internet at its access point. It is not liable if the properly fed data does not reach the participant in sufficient quality. In particular, the provider is not liable for the subscriber's reception configuration or errors by network operators.

5. The provider is not liable for the content of external links on the provider's website, in particular not for advertising information provided by the provider of premises and/or third party speakers/coaches.

6. The provider is only liable for coaching, training and seminars in cases of intent or gross negligence in accordance with the applicable statutory provisions. This limitation of liability also applies to vicarious agents of the provider. In the case of slightly negligent material breaches of duty, the liability of the provider is limited to the foreseeable, contract-typical, direct damages. The limitation of liability does not apply to damages resulting from injury to life, limb or health that are based on a negligent or intentional breach of duty by the provider or a legal representative or vicarious agent of the provider. Furthermore, the limitation of liability does not apply to damages that are based on the violation of a so-called cardinal obligation (i.e. a contractual obligation that makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place and on the fulfillment of which the participant regularly trusts and may rely).

7. The provision of the preceding paragraph (6) extends to damages in addition to performance, damages in lieu of performance and claims for compensation due to futile expenses, regardless of the legal grounds, including liability for defects, delay or impossibility.

§ 14 Data protection

The provider draws attention to the fact that it must ask the participant for the full name and personal contact details when registering for coaching, training or seminars. Otherwise, the contract cannot be executed.
The registration data is stored electronically exclusively for internal purposes and is subject to the provisions of the applicable data protection laws. The storage and use of personal data takes place exclusively for the purpose of executing the contract and to send the participant programs and information on the provider's range of services.
By registering, the participant agrees to the processing and storage of his data. The consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.

§ 15 Form of declarations

Genuinely relevant declarations and advertisements that the participant has to submit to the provider must be made in writing.

§ 16 Place of performance, choice of law, place of jurisdiction, mediation

Unless otherwise stated in the individually concluded contract, the place of performance and payment is the registered office of the provider.
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.
The exclusive place of jurisdiction for contracts with merchants, legal entities under local law or the special fund under public law is the Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Before conducting legal proceedings, the parties are obliged to attempt to resolve disputes through mediation. To this end, the parties will agree on a mediator, in particular by choosing providers who, if available, offer international mediation. If an agreement is not reached between the parties on a mediator, this is binding for the parties to be determined by the President of the Frankfurt am Main Bar Association.
The EU Commission offers the possibility of dispute resolution on an online platform operated by it. This platform can be found under the external link http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
The provider does not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before consumer arbitration boards.

§ 17 Severability clause

If a provision of these General Terms and Conditions or a provision within the framework of other agreements is or becomes invalid, this shall not affect the validity of all other provisions or agreements.
Agreements negotiated by way of derogation are only valid if they have been angered in writing.

June 1st, 2022
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!
